
The SD40 DFL Central Committee meetings are open to the public. Attending is the best way to find out what’s going on politically in the district, as well as how to get involved!

We meet every second Thursday of the month. Our August 8, 2024, meeting will be in the Shoreview Community Center’s City Council chambers. However, our September 12, 2024, meeting and onward will be held at the New Brighton Community Center. Afterward, we typically head to a local eatery for a social hour, where you can get to know your DFL neighbors better.

You can find our list of upcoming events and meetings on our Facebook page.

2025 Special Election Endorsing Convention

If you were elected as a delegate at the February 2024 precinct caucuses and you still live within the boundaries of the precinct that elected you as a delegate to the MN House District 40B endorsing convention, you are being called to participate in the MN House District 40B Special Election Endorsing Convention on January 1, 2025. (Read more)

Add an Event

To submit an item to the calendar, please include the name of the event, time, date, location, and a brief description using our contact form.